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Access to the new homes would be via a new junction on Common Road, just north of the A4095 junction.

Paul Basham Associates carried out a trip generation survey which suggested there would be 76 two-way vehicle trips both in the AM and PM peak periods. Most vehicle movements would be to/from the A4095 given likely destinations.

Access to Common Road and proximity to A4095 junction to the south (Measurements in metres)

Sustainable Travel

Linking into Walking and Cycle Routes

The development of new homes will be sustainable, so it will allow new residents to make travel choices that do not rely on private car use. Good access to public transport and cycling routes is important in providing convenient travel alternatives for all.

Public Rights of Way extend to the south-east and south-west of Common Farm and the opportunity exists to create new footpaths to provide links between existing routes.

A shared footway/cycleway begins approximately 70m south of the proposed access and runs along the northern side of the A4095 to Witney, presenting an excellent opportunity to promote cycling as a sustainable mode of travel.

Map showing Public Rights of Way within North Leigh

Public Transport

Residents benefit from the proximity of the proposed new homes to the existing public transport network. The nearest bus stop to the proposed new homes is on Common Road and connects to Witney, Long Hanborough and Oxford.

Amenities within walking distance include North Leigh Post Office & Convenience Store, the Masons Arms, North Leigh CE Primary School and the village centre.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway via edward@spbroadway.com