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Landscaping and Sustainability

Our landscape-led approach will protect and enhance the mature trees, hedgerows and the visual character of the wider North Leigh area, creating short and long views whilst being sensitive to the wider edge of village location.

The site and surrounding area is characterised by undulating farmland and surrounded by boundary trees and hedgerows, which will be retained and enhanced to create well-landscaped and visually sensitive new homes.

A generous network of open spaces and paths will be created, and planting along the edges and within the development will ensure the new homes will be well integrated into the landscape.

The proposed open spaces will be multifunctional in nature, accommodating new habitats as well as drainage, access and play. Open spaces will be focussed around the Grim’s Ditch Scheduled Monument. This will ensure its protection and provide
the opportunity for interpretation / experience of this heritage asset.

We are committed to enhance the site’s ecology and biodiversity  through the retention and enhancement of existing habitats and features, the inclusion of mitigation measures such as a SuDs, sensitive lighting design, and creation of new habitat resources to enrich the area for local wildlife.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Edward Poynton of SP Broadway via edward@spbroadway.com